=nil; CLI
The =nil; CLI offers a convenient way for interacting with the cluster by abstracting over JSON-RPC methods.
The CLI can also be integrated into a CI/CD pipeline. For example, a pipeline may retrieve certain values from a contract and then use the received data in subsequent commands.
This page lists all commands exposed by the =nil; CLI as well as their flags and arguments.
Global flags
The following flags can be used with any command.
Flag | Definition |
--quiet | -q | Enable quiet mode (the CLI will only output values with no additional text). |
--verbose | -v | Enable verbose mode (the CLI will attach additional explanatory text to every output). |
--help | -h | Receive help for the CLI. |
The following flags can be used without a command.
Flag | Definition |
--config | -c | Specify the path to the =nil; CLI config file. |
--log-level | -l | Set the =nil; CLI logging level. Possible values: trace , debug , info , warn , error , fatal , panic . |
--help | -h | Receive help for the command. |
This command allows for reading block information.
No subcommands.
Flag | Definition |
--shard-id ShardId | Specify the id of the shard from which the block should be retrieved. |
Retrieve a block by hash
nil block BLOCK_HASH [--shard-id SHARD_ID; default 1]
Retrieve a block by number
nil block BLOCK_NUMBER [--shard-id SHARD_ID; default 1]
Retrieve the latest block
nil block latest [--shard-id SHARD_ID; default 1]
Fetched block:
"hash": "{BLOCK_HASH}",
"inMessagesRoot": "{IN_MESSAGE_ROOT}",
"messages": [MESSAGES],
"number": {BLOCK_NUMBER},
"parentHash": "{PARENT_HASH}",
"receiptsRoot": "{RECEIPTS_ROOT}",
"shardId": {BLOCK_HASH}
This command generates autocompletion scripts for various shells.
Subcommand | Definition |
bash | Generate the autocompletion script for bash . |
fish | Generate the autocompletion script for fish . |
powershell | Generate the autocompletion script for powershell . |
zsh | Generate the autocompletion script for zsh . |
nil completion bash | fish | powershell | zsh
This command is for setting up the =nil; CLI.
Subcommand | Definition |
get | Gets the value of the provided config key. |
set | Sets the given value to the provided config key. |
init | Initializes the =nil; CLI config file. |
show | Shows the current contents of the =nil; CLI config file. |
Initialize the config file
nil config init
Set a config value
nil config set KEY VALUE
Read a config value
nil config get KEY
Show the contents of the config file
nil config show
Initializing the config file
Config initialized successfully: config.yaml
Setting a config value
Set "KEY" to "VALUE"
Getting a config value
KEY: Value
Showing the contents of the file
Config file: config.yaml
This command is for reading contract information and for interacting with smart contracts via external messages.
Subcommand | Definition |
address | Calculate the smart contract address given its bytecode. |
balance | Retrieve the balance of the smart contract. |
call-readonly | Call a smart contract method via an external message. |
code | Retrieves the smart contract bytecode. |
currencies | Retrieves the currencies mapping of the smart contract. |
deploy | Deploys the smart contract. |
estimate-fee | Estimates the gas needed to execute the given message. |
For address
Flag | Definition |
--abi string | The path to the .abi file containing the contract ABI. |
--salt Uint256 | Arbitrary salt. |
--shard-id ShardId | The ID of the shard where the contract is located/could be located. |
For call-readonly
Flag | Definition |
--abi string | The path to the .abi file containing the contract ABI. |
--fee-credit Uint256 | The fee credit for the call. |
For deploy
Flag | Definition |
--abi string | The path to the .abi file containing the contract ABI. |
--no-wait | Prevents waiting for the deployment message receipt when the command is executing. |
--salt Uint256 | Arbitrary salt. |
--shard-id ShardId | The ID of the shard where the contract is located/could be located. |
For estimate-fee
Flag | Definition |
--abi string | Specify the path to the .abi file for the contract. |
--value Uint256 | Set the amount of tokens to send to the contract. |
--deploy | Define whether the message should be treated as a deployment message. |
--internal | Define whether the gas should be estimated for an internal message. |
Calculate the smart contract address
nil contract address path/to/contract.bin [--abi path/to/contract.abi] [--no-wait] [--salt SALT] [--shard-id SHARD_ID; default 1]
Call a smart contract method
nil contract call-readonly CONTRACT_ADDRESS CALLDATA | METHOD_NAME [--abi path/to/contract.abi] [--fee-credit FEE_CREDIT]
Deploy a smart contract
nil contract deploy path/to/contract.bin [--abi path/to/contract.abi] [--no-wait] [--salt SALT] [--shard-id SHARD_ID; default 1]
Estimate a fee
nil contract estimate-fee ADDRESS FUNC_NAME [ARGS] [--abi path/to/contract.abi] [--deploy] [--internal] [--value AMOUNT]
Retrieve the code of a smart contract
nil contract code CONTRACT_ADDRESS
Retrieve the balance of a smart contract
nil contract balance CONTRACT_ADDRESS
Retrieve the currencies of a smart contract
nil contract currencies CONTRACT_ADDRESS
Calculating the smart contract address
Contract address: CONTRACT_ADDRESS
Calling a smart contract method
Call results: CALL_RESULTS
Deploying a contract
Contract address: CONTRACT_ADDRESS
Retrieving the code of a smart contract
Contrace code: CONTRACT_CODE
Retrieving the contract balance
Contract balance: CONTRACT_BALANCE
Retrievign the contract currencies
Contract currencies: CONTRACT_CURRENCIES
This command is for receiving help for the =nil; CLI.
No subcommands.
No flags.
nil help
CLI tool for interacting with the =nil; cluster
nil [command]
Available Commands:
block Retrieve a block from the cluster
completion Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
config Configuration management
contract Interact with contract on the cluster
help Help about any command
keygen Generate a new key or generate a key from a provided hex private key
message Retrieve a message from the cluster
minter Interact with minter on the cluster
receipt Retrieve a receipt from the cluster
system Request system-wide information
wallet Interact with wallet on the cluster
-c, --config string Path to config file (default "config.yaml")
-h, --help help for nil
-l, --log-level string Log level: trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic (default "trace")
-q, --quiet Quiet mode (print only the result and exit)
-v, --verbose Verbose mode (print logs)
This command is for generating private keys.
Subcommand | Definition |
fromHex string | Generate a new key from the provided hex of a private key. |
new | Generate a new key. |
Generate a new key from hex
nil keygen fromHex HEX
Generating a new key
nil keygen new
Private key: PRIVATE_KEY
This command is for retrieving a message from the cluster.
No subcommands.
Flag | Definition |
--shard-id ShardId | Specify the id of the shard from which the message should be retrieved. |
nil message MESSAGE_HASH [--shard-id SHARD_ID; default 1]
Fetched message:
"blockHash": "{BLOCK_HASH}",
"blockNumber": BLOCK_NUMBER,
"chainId": "{CHAIN_ID}",
"from": "{ADDRESS_FROM}",
"gasLimit": "{GAS_LIMIT}",
"gasPrice": "{GAS_PRICE}",
"gasUsed": "{GAS_USED}",
"hash": "{MESSAGE_HASH}",
"index": "{INDEX}",
"seqno": "{SEQUENCE_NUMBER}",
"signature": "{SIGNATURE}",
"success": SUCCESS,
"to": "{ADDRESS_TO}",
"value": "{VALUE}"
"data": "DATA"
This command is for interacting with the =nil; currency minter.
Subcommand | Definition |
create-currency | Create a new currency and, optionally, withdraw it. |
mint-currency | Mint an existing currency and, optionally, withdraw it. |
withdraw-currency | Withdraw an existing currency that has been minted. |
For create-currency
, mint-currency
Flag | Definition |
--withdraw | Immediately withdraw the created/minted currency to its owner. |
Create a new token
nil minter create-currency OWNER_ADDRESS AMOUNT NAME [--withdraw]
Mint an existign token
nil minter mint-currency OWNER_ADDRESS AMOUNT [--withdraw]
Withdraw tokens
nil minter withdraw-currency OWNER_ADDRESS AMOUNT TO_ADDRESS
Creating a new token
Minting a new token
Minted AMOUNT CurrencyId=[CURRENCY_ID]
Withdrawing tokens
Transferred AMOUNT to TO_ADDRESS CurrencyId=[CURRENCY_ID]
This command is for retriving the receipt with the given hash.
No subcommands.
Flag | Definition |
--shard-id ShardId | Specify the id of the shard from which the receipt must be retrieved. |
nil receipt MESSAGE_HASH [--shard-id SHARD_ID; default 1]
Fetched receipt:
"blockHash": "{BLOCK_HASH}",
"blockNumber": BLOCK_NUMBER,
"bloom": "{BLOOM}",
"contractAddress": "{CONTRACT_ADDRESS}",
"gasUsed": GAS_USED,
"logs": [],
"messageHash": "{MESSAGE_HASH}",
"messageIndex": INDEX,
"success": SUCCESS
This command is for retrieving system information.
Subcommand | Definition |
chain-id | Retreive the ID of the current chain. |
gas-price | Retrieve the gas price in the specified shard. |
shards | Retrieve a list of all execution shards. |
Retrieve the ID of the current chain
nil system chain-id
Retrieve the gas price at the specified shard
nil system gas-price shard-id SHARD_ID
Retrieve the list of all execution shards
nil system shards
Retrieving the ID of the current chain
Retrieving the gas price at the specified shard
Gas price of shard SHARD_ID: GAS_PRICE
Retrieving the list of all execution shards
List of shard id:
This command is for interacting with wallets.
Subcommand | Definition |
balance | Retrieves the balance of the wallet specified in the =nil; CLI config. |
call-readonly | Performs a read-only 'dry run' call to the specified address. |
deploy | Deploys a smart contract via the wallet. |
estimate-fee | Estimates the fee for sending the specified message. |
info | Retrives the wallet's address and the public key. |
new | Create a new wallet. |
send-message | Send a message to a deployed smart contract via the wallet. |
send-tokens | Send tokens to the wallet. |
top-up | Request a 'top up' from the faucet. |
For call-readonly
Flag | Definition |
--abi string | Specify the path to the .abi file for the contract. |
--fee-credit Uint256 | Set the call fee credit. |
--in-overrides string | Set the input state overrides. |
--out-overrides string | Set the output state overrides. |
--with-details | Define whether the output should show the tokens used and outbound messages. |
For deploy
Flag | Definition |
--abi string | Specify the path to the .abi file for the contract. |
--amount Uint256 | Set the amount of tokens to send to the contract. |
--currency Uint256 | Set the amount of contract currency to generate (cannot be used with the --no-wait flag). |
--no-wait | Define whether the command should wait for the message receipt. |
--salt Uint256 | Set the salt for the deployment message. |
--shard-id ShardId | Specify the shard where the contract should be deployed. |
For estimate-fee
Flag | Definition |
--abi string | Specify the path to the .abi file for the contract. |
--value Uint256 | Set the amount of tokens to send to the contract. |
--deploy | Define whether the message should be treated as a deployment message. |
For new
Flag | Definition |
--amount Uint256 | Set the initial balance of the wallet (capped at 10 000 000) |
--salt Uint256 | Set the salt for the deployment message. |
--shard-id ShardId | Specify the shard where the wallet should be deployed. |
For send-message
Flag | Definition |
--abi string | Specify the path to the .abi file for the contract. |
--amount Uint256 | Set the amount of tokens to send to the contract. |
--fee-credit Uint256 | Set the message fee credit. |
--no-wait | Define whether the command should wait for the message receipt. |
--token stringArray | Define the tokens to transfer to the contract. Tokens are set using the CURRENCY_ID=AMOUNT format. The flag accepts can accept multiple tokens. |
For send-tokens
Flag | Definition |
--fee-credit Uint256 | Set the message fee credit. |
--no-wait | Define whether the command should wait for the message receipt. |
--token stringArray | Define the tokens to transfer to the contract. Tokens are set using the CURRENCY_ID=AMOUNT format. The flag accepts can accept multiple tokens. |
View the wallet balance
nil wallet balance
Perform a read-only call
nil wallet call-readonly ADDRESS [--abi path/to/contract.abi] [--fee-credit FEE_CREDIT] [--in-overrides IN_OVERRIDES] [--out-overrides OUT_OVERRIDES] [--with-details]
Deploy a smart contract
nil wallet deploy path/to/contract.bin [ARGS] [--abi path/to/contract.abi] [--amount AMOUNT] [--currency TOKENS_AMOUNT] [--no-wait] [--salt SALT] [shard-id SHARD_ID]
Estimate a message fee
nil wallet estimate-fee ADDRESS FUNC_NAME [ARGS] [--abi path/to/contract.abi] [--deploy] [--value AMOUNT]
Send tokens to a smart contract
nil send-tokens ADDRESS [--fee-credit FEE_CREDIT] [--no-wait] [--token stringArray]
Request a 'top up'
nil wallet top-up AMOUNT
Retrieve wallet information
nil wallet info
Create a new wallet
nil wallet new [--amount AMOUNT] [--salt SALT] [--shard-id SHARD_ID]
Send a message to a smart contract
nil wallet send-message ADDRESS BYTECODE | METHOD [ARGS] [--abi path/to/contract.abi] [--amount AMOUNT] [--fee-credit FEE_CREDIT] [--no-wait] [--token TOKENS]
Viewing the wallet balance
Contract balance: BALANCE
Performing a read-only call
STATUS, result:
Deploying a smart contract
Contract address: ADDRESS
Transaction hash: TRANSACTION_HASH
Estimating a message fee
Estimated external message fee: AMOUNT
Estimated internal message fee: AMOUNT
Creating a new wallet
Contract ADDRESS balance is topped up by AMOUNT
Contract address: ADDRESS
Transaction hash: TRANSACTION_HASH
New wallet address: ADDRESS
Sending a message to a smart contract
Transaction hash: TRANSACTION_HASH
Retrieving wallet information
Address: ADDRESS
Public key: PUBKEY
Requesting a 'top up'
Contract ADDRESS balance is topped up by AMOUNT
Contract balance: BALANCE
Sending tokens to a smart contract
Transaction hash: TRANSACTION_HASH